Updated March 6, 2023
Introduction to Blockchain Interview Questions and Answers
The blockchain is one of the current high-profile buzzes in every industry. This is mainly popular for one of the big implementations of bitcoin in the market. The internal attractive logic of blockchain is really amazing, and people are commonly attracted to it automatically for their organization a better future. Industries are going to invest huge money in the same for their big ability in the blockchain market.
Currently, industry experts are very much excited on the up growing capability of blockchain and their supportive critical technologies, which are moral-less more attractive in any kind of situation of storing chaining data as per their requirement. Technical enthusiast people are really choosing some of the great products or tool which are based on blockchain in almost every week. As of now, technical or non-technical people are really looking for changing their career on this amazing and upcoming technology like blockchain.
Now, if you are looking for a job which is related to Blockchain, then you need to prepare for the 2023 Blockchain Interview Questions. It is true that every interview is different as per the different job profiles. Here, we have prepared the important Blockchain Interview Questions and Answers which will help you get success in your interview.
In this 2023 Blockchain Interview Questions article, we shall present the 10 most important and frequently asked Blockchain interview questions. These questions are divided into two parts as follows.
Part 1 – Blockchain Interview Questions (Basic)
This first part covers basic Interview Questions and Answers
Q1. Explain the exact meaning of blockchain? Give more detail on the basic difference between two kinds of blockchain ethereum blockchain and bitcoin blockchain.
Blockchain mainly designed for maintaining decentralize immutable data in the distributed platform without any loss of data of the entire chain. It mainly came to the market by discovering one of the great inventions bitcoin, introducing cryptocurrency first in the market. No doubt, the blockchain always followed the trusted approach and presents a lot of companies are showing their interest only for the same. This kind of trusted approach will automatically increase in the long run as till now, it’s an open-source.
Bitcoin is mainly dealing with the currency or in industry word digital currency, whereas ethereum is mainly dealing with contracts or in industry word smart contracts. Satoshi Nakamoto is the person who invented bitcoin, and Vitalik Buterin had invented Ethereum. The thinking approach for bitcoin is mainly targeting normal block concept or genesis block whereas Ethereum is targeting pre-sales. Bitcoin-using normal SHA-256 algorithm, whereas ethereum used that. Bitcoin is blocking almost 10 minutes of time, whereas ethereum is taken only 12-14 seconds.
Q2. Give more details with a proper explanation of which principle mainly follows by blockchain in any kind of situation, which is the very basic understanding of blockchain?
It mainly concentrates on enabling all the required information of anything will be distributed among all the users who are willing to view, but never make another copy for completing this task smartly.
Q3. There has a lot of similar kinds of approach available in the current industry, then why people are telling blockchains are more trusted than others?
Mainly three kinds of blockchain available in the market, one is public, where information is viewable by everyone, another one is private, where information is viewable to the specific person, and the third one is a consortium, where the group of members can able to view required information.
Q4. What kind of records blockchain can hold in their database, normally types of records present in the blockchain database directly, provide some example?
This is the basic Blockchain Interview Question asked in an interview. Two kinds of records normally holds by blockchain without loss of information. One is block records, and another one is transactional records. Both those records are very much popular and maintaining a well or good relationship with each other. Both are very much well accessible without any big implementation. And also, the best thing is if people need to integrate with between each other means block data and transactional data, then that part also be very much easy without written any big algorithm.
Q5. A blockchain database is very much different than the other popular available database in the current market, can give some more explanation about different with all the available traditional database and blockchain database?
Blockchain databases normally stores two kinds of data in their database, one is block data, and another one is traditional data. Please find a difference between them: Blockchain only follows the insert operation; it never accepts updates or deletes operation. Whereas traditional data always accepts all kinds of operation like create, insert, update and delete. Full replication is required for the blockchain in every peer. There does not have any kind of slave concept in bitcoin. Whereas traditional data following the master-slave or multi-master concept, which is entirely different from bitcoin. Normally maximum peers have agreed with whatever result came out from the transactions. Whereas traditional databases followed 2 phase transactions or distributed transactions. Bitcoin does not have any kind of relational dependency, so anyone can able to access bitcoin transactions inside the same network. Whereas traditional databases always followed integrity constraints.
Part 2 – Blockchain Interview Questions (Advanced)
Let us now have a look at the advanced Interview Questions.
Q6. Explain all the properties available for blockchain in detail.
Blockchain mainly followed some key features like system decentralization, proper distribution of ledger, maintaining ecosystem more secure or safer for all, producing data for the first time or maintaining minting.
Q7. Provide more explanation about the understanding of encryption. And give little details of encryption role in blockchain technology.
For data security, which is always a big matter for any organization, encryption of data is mandatory. Encryption is one of the methodologies which actually helps any organization to keep their important data in a secure manner.
Q8. Explain the exact meaning of blocks in current blockchain technology.
The blockchain usually stores a lot of records in a block. And that block also linked with another one and created a required chain called a blockchain.
Q9. If anyone willing to identify one specific block in the entire blockchain, then what will be the specific approach needs to be taken by them for recognizing that specific block in the entire blockchain?
This is the most asked Blockchain Interview Questions in an interview. Every block should have one hash pointer, which always considers as a link to a block.
Q10. Now considering blockchain data is very secure as per market preview, if someone willing to modify some data of a specific block in the entire blockchain, then is it possible to modify it, if yes, then explain how can able to do the same?
No, the modification is not possible at all. If any organization need to modify some data in a specific block, they have to erase related data from another block as well.
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This has been a guide to the list of Blockchain Interview Questions and Answers so that the candidate can crackdown on these Interview Questions easily. Here in this post, we have studied top Blockchain Interview Questions, which are often asked in interviews. You may also look at the following articles to learn more –