Specialization | 150 Course Series
This Data Scientist Training Course includes 150 courses with 609+ hours of video tutorials and Lifetime access. You will also get verifiable certificates (unique certification number and your unique URL) when you complete each of them. This comprehensive course will teach you programming languages, machine learning, Hadoop, Business analytics, Data Visualization and other important analytics concepts.
Offer ends in:
What you'll get
- 609+ Hours
- 150 Courses
- Course Completion Certificates
- Lifetime Access
- Self-paced Courses
- Technical Support
- Mobile App Access
- Case Studies
- Courses: You get access to all 150 courses, Projects bundle. You do not need to purchase each course separately
- Hours: 609+ Video Hours
- Core Coverage: This Data Scientist course will help you learn data science using R, Python, machine learning, artificial intelligence, big data & Hadoop, predictive modeling, business analytics, data visualization, and others.
- Course Validity: Lifetime Access
- Eligibility: Anyone serious about learning data science and wants to make a career in analytics
- Pre-Requisites: Basic knowledge of data and analytics
- What do you get? Certificate of Completion for each of the 150 courses and projects
- Certification Type: Course Completion Certificates
- Verifiable Certificates? Yes, you get verifiable certificates for each course with a unique link. These link can be included in your resume or LinkedIn profile to showcase your enhanced skills
MODULE 1: Data Science with Python Essentials Training
Courses No. of Hours Certificates Details Machine Learning with Python 2024 5h 17m ✔ Machine Learning with Python Case Study - Covid19 Mask Detector 2h 05m ✔ Deep Learning: Automatic Image Captioning for Social Media with Tensorflow 2h 23m ✔ AI Machine Learning in Python 8h 37m ✔ Predictive Analytics and Modeling with Python 8h 26m ✔ Matplotlib for Python Data Visualization - Beginners 4h 12m ✔ Matplotlib for Python Data Visualization - Intermediate 2h 53m ✔ Matplotlib for Python Data Visualization - Advanced 6h 37m ✔ Pandas with Python Tutorial 5h 56m ✔ NumPy and Pandas Python 4h 8m ✔ Pandas Python Case Study - Data Management for Retail Dataset 3h 22m ✔ Python Case Study - Sentiment Analysis 57m ✔ Data Science with Python 4h 14m ✔ Artificial Intelligence with Python - Beginner Level 2h 51m ✔ Artificial Intelligence with Python - Intermediate Level 4h 34m ✔ AI Artificial Intelligence & Predictive Analysis with Python 6h 15m ✔ Video Analytics using OpenCV and Python Shells 2h 13m ✔ Machine Learning using Python 3h 26m ✔ Statistics Essentials with Python 3h 23m ✔ Project on Tensorflow - Implementing Linear Model with Python 1h 46m ✔ Project - Data Analytics with Data Exploration Case Study 5h 7m ✔ Random Forest Algorithm using Python 1h 27m ✔ -
MODULE 2: Data Science with R & Python Essentials Training
Courses No. of Hours Certificates Details Seaborn Python - Beginners 2h 28m ✔ Seaborn Python - Intermediate 1h 18m ✔ Seaborn Python - Advanced 1h 56m ✔ PySpark Python - Beginners 2h 16m ✔ PySpark Python - Intermediate 2h 02m ✔ PySpark Python - Advanced 1h 18m ✔ Machine Learning Python Case Study - Diabetes Prediction 1h 02m ✔ R Studio UI and R Script Basics 4h 11m ✔ R Programming for Data Science | A Complete Courses to Learn 5h 7m ✔ Logistic Regression & Supervised Machine Learning with R 4h 14m ✔ Decision Trees Modeling using R 1h 4m ✔ Project on ML - Churn Prediction Model using R Studio 1h 22m ✔ Financial Analytics in R - Beginners 3h 53m ✔ Financial Analytics in R - Intermediate 1h 28m ✔ Financial Analytics in R - Advanced 1h 35m ✔ R for Finance - Beginners to Beyond 2h 17m ✔ Comprehensive Course on R 3h 54m ✔ Time Series Analysis and Forecasting using R 4h 23m ✔ Project - Fraud Analytics using R 2h 34m ✔ Project - Marketing Analytics using R and Microsoft Excel 2h 9m ✔ Machine Learning with R 20h 25m ✔ Case Study - Customer Analytics using Tableau and R 2h 7m ✔ Case Study - Pricing Analytics using Tableau and R 2h 39m ✔ Business Analytics using R - Hands-on! 16h 21m ✔ Project - Market Basket Analysis in R 37m ✔ Project - Hypothesis Testing using R 3h 6m ✔ Data Visualization with R Shiny - The Fundamentals 39m ✔ Data Science with R 6h 2m ✔ R Studio Anova Techniques Course 2h 18m ✔ -
MODULE 3: Data Science with SAS Essentials Training
Courses No. of Hours Certificates Details SAS Business Analytics for Beginners 10h 45m ✔ Predictive Analytics & Modeling with SAS 9h 19m ✔ Quantitative Finance with SAS 3h 29m ✔ SAS Statistics 8h 18m ✔ SAS ODS (Output Delivery System) 9h 36m ✔ SAS PROC SQL 13h 49m ✔ SAS Macros 7h 25m ✔ SAS Advanced Analytics 12h 22m ✔ SAS Graph 2h 1m ✔ SAS DS2 4h 59m ✔ SAS SQL 3h 01m ✔ SAS Practical - Macros 5h 5m ✔ SAS Advanced Programming 10h 7m ✔ SAS Categorical Data Analysis 7h 16m ✔ Certified SAS Base Programmer 12h 2m ✔ SAS Features for Starters 1h 5m ✔ SAS PROC SQL Features 1h 49m ✔ -
MODULE 4: Big Data & Hadoop
Courses No. of Hours Certificates Details Big Data and Hadoop Training | Online Hadoop Course 2h 9m ✔ Hadoop Architecture and HDFS 6h 13m ✔ MapReduce - Beginners 3h 01m ✔ MapReduce - Advanced 5h 35m ✔ Hive - Beginners 2h 47m ✔ Hive - Advanced 5h 11m ✔ PIG - Beginners 2h 1m ✔ PIG - Advanced 2h 13m ✔ NoSQL Fundamentals 2h 01m ✔ Mahout 3h 51m ✔ Apache Oozie 2h 13m ✔ Apache Storm 2h 4m ✔ Apache Spark - Beginners 1h 4m ✔ Apache Spark - Advanced 5h 49m ✔ Splunk Fundamentals 8h 33m ✔ Splunk Advanced 01 - Knowledge Objects 9h 29m ✔ Splunk Advanced 02 - Administration 39h ✔ -
MODULE 5: Learning from Projects & Practicals
Courses No. of Hours Certificates Details Project on Hadoop - Sales Data Analysis 47m ✔ Project on Hadoop - Tourism Survey Analysis 53m ✔ Project on Hadoop - Faculty Data Management 35m ✔ Project on Hadoop - E-Commerce Sales Analysis 35m ✔ Project on Hadoop - Salary Analysis 49m ✔ Project on Hadoop - Health Survey Analysis using HDFS 56m ✔ Project on Hadoop - Traffic Violation Analysis 1h 25m ✔ Project on Hadoop - Analyze Loan Dataset using PIG/MapReduce 2h 33m ✔ Project on Hadoop - Case Study on Telecom Industry using HIVE 2h 2m ✔ Project on Hadoop - Customers Complaints Analysis using HIVE/MapReduce 53m ✔ Project on Hadoop - Social Media Analysis using HIVE/PIG/MapReduce/Sqoop 3h 34m ✔ Project on Hadoop - Sensor Data Analysis using HIVE/PIG 5h 26m ✔ Project on Hadoop - Youtube Data Analysis using PIG/MapReduce 3h 02m ✔ Hadoop and HDFS Fundamentals on Cloudera 1h 22m ✔ Project on Hadoop - Log Data Analysis 1h 32m ✔ SPSS 2024 - Beginners 1h 07m ✔ SPSS 2024 - Advanced 5h 19m ✔ Advanced SPSS Project: Impact of EMI on Home Loan 43m ✔ Advanced SPSS Project: Impact of Total Turnover in Equity Market 58m ✔ Advanced SPSS Project: Impact of Trade Data in Equity Market 46m ✔ SPSS GUI and Applications 1h 13m ✔ SPSS - Correlation Techniques 1h 8m ✔ Linear Regression & Supervised Learning with SPSS 3h 07m ✔ SPSS - Multiple Regression Modeling 2h 34m ✔ Logistic Regression & Supervised Learning using SPSS 2h 37m ✔ SPSS - Multinomial Regression 2h 2m ✔ SPSS GUI for Statistical Analysis 2h ✔ Tableau Desktop Training 2024 4h 21m ✔ Tableau Project-Creating Dashboard and Stories For Financial Markets 2h 08m ✔ Tableau Project - Russo-Ukraine War A Data Analytical Review 1h 02m ✔ Tableau 4h 7m ✔ BI Tools and Tableau Analytics 5h 38m ✔ Business Intelligence with Tableau 5h 43m ✔ Tableau Features Hands-on! 5h 32m ✔ Tableau Practical - Super Store Business Requirements 45m ✔ Analytics using Tableau 9h 29m ✔ -
MODULE 6: Minitab and MATLAB
Courses No. of Hours Certificates Details Minitab for Beginners - 2024 1h 15m ✔ Advanced Minitab Training - 2024 4h 39m ✔ Minitab Practical - Impact of Predictors on Response 1h 35m ✔ Statistical Analysis using Minitab - Beginners to Beyond 4h 21m ✔ Minitab GUI and Descriptive Statistics 2h 43m ✔ ANOVA in Minitab 52m ✔ Correlation Techniques in Minitab 2h 18m ✔ Project on Minitab - Regression Modeling 9h 36m ✔ Minitab Predictive Modeling using Excel 55m ✔ MATLAB - Beginners 3h 9m ✔ MATLAB - Intermediate 47m ✔ MATLAB - Advanced 4h 1m ✔ -
MODULE 7: Database & SQL
Courses No. of Hours Certificates Details Oracle SQL 17h 32m ✔ Oracle PLSQL 13h 2m ✔ Oracle DBA 1 9h 27m ✔ Machine Learning ZERO to HERO - Hands-on with Tensorflow 13h 03m ✔ Deep Learning ZERO to HERO - Hands-on with Python 11h 19m ✔ Project - Exploratory Data Analysis EDA using ggplot2, R and Linear Regression 2h 07m ✔ Project on R - HR Attrition and Analytics 2h 4m ✔ Logistic Regression using SAS Stat 4h 26m ✔ Linear Regression & Supervised Learning in Python 2h 28m ✔ Logistic Regression & Supervised Machine Learning in Python 2h 6m ✔ Project on R - Card Purchase Prediction 2h 28m ✔ Develop a Movie Recommendation Engine 51m ✔ Random Forest Techniques and R - Employee Attrition Prediction 1h 6m ✔ Predictive Analytics Model for Term Deposit Investment using CART Algorithm 1h 38m ✔ Poisson Regression with SAS Stat 2h 21m ✔ Machine Learning Project using Caret in R 1h 58m ✔ Sales Forecasting using Time Series Analysis in Python 2h 13m ✔
Sample Certificate
- Basics of Linear Algebra: Data Science deals with vectors, matrices, and their operations. If you don’t have a clear picture, it would be great if you could refresh it and then take this data scientist training. It will help you once you go deeper into data science-related algorithms.
- Coding background: Learning languages like R and Python to explore datasets and analyze them goes way easier if you have a programming background. It could be C, C++, Pearl, anything. That way, understanding logic from a programming perspective is helpful, and hence one can easily grab the data science stuff.
- Probability & Statistics: With a basic understanding of probability & statistics, this data scientist training course can be taken smoothly. This is because data science deals with many statistical tests and inferences, knowing probability and statistics will be a great boost.
Target Audience
- Students of Analytics: If you’re a student of data science/analytics and want your career to drift deeper into that, this data scientist training is a sure-shot solution for it. This data scientist course will help you bridge the gap between your college curriculum and industry related to Data science by giving you practical and live experiences of projects, which deal with data manipulation, data massaging, data visualization, storytelling.
- Statisticians & Model Developers: Data science deals with model generation and machine learning. If you want to fine-tune your knowledge of statistics and model generation, go ahead with this course. This data scientist training course will showcase lots of model generation use cases.
- Professionals: If you are among auditors, solution recommenders, project managers, or in a client-facing role, etc., the Data Scientist course will be an addon and help you excel more in your career. That’s because you will be able to analyze and measure every bit of your task with analytics and data science. You can impress customers with data visualization and various facts extracted from their data.
Course Ratings
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This was an excellent introduction course to Pig. Excellent comparisons. The instructor was clear, to the point, and provided easy to follow walk throughs throughout the entire course.
Daniel L Boyd
The course is clear and with a lot of examples.
Maurizio Oggiano
eduCBA is an ultimate online learning tool as it is simple to use and manage. The training materials are quite excellent and very helpful.
Anuj Vohra
I found this course very helpful. The course was highly informative and very well presented. It was very easier to follow. Many complicated concepts were clearly explained. It improved my confidence with respect to programming skills